"Empowering women motivates productivity and economic growth" - Maya Williams
Women of Toledo's Blog : Her Story
Welcome to our blog where we aim to highlight women in our community, storytellers and advocacy efforts that are consistent with our #PressForProgress movement. Our goals are to: (1) forge positive visibility of women, (2) celebrate women's achievements and to (3) influence others' beliefs and actions. We invite you to read our articles and join us in conversation as we continue our efforts and pledge to #PressForProgress!
Purpose + Impact with Alishea's Sseko.
HerHub 101: Our Why, How & What.
419Living with Kaitlin Keiser
"My name is Cassandra, and I am one of the cursed few." - CP Morgan
Rebecca Ahern: Real, Raw, Vulnerable and Strong
Rising from Adversity to Empower Others: Deitra Hickey
STEP Ahead with Jamie Slyder
Traveling through in-betweens
Financial Resolutions for Women in 2019: Why resolving to save is not enough
"We weren't meant to take this journey alone. " - Ariel Ellis
The world has so much to teach us. Get to know yourself, and humanity, on a much deeper level.
"Be the Person YOU Needed." - Jen Brouwer
KUMUSTA PO KA in Philippines, ALOHA in Hawaii and HELLO in Ohio with HEIDE ALLAN
Reena Dar - My Journey From Canadian to Toledoan
"Age, gender, and ethnicity holds no boundaries to anything you want to do."