About our Mentorship Programs
Our mentorship programs provides mentoring and guidance for any woman of all ages. The goal for our Mentors and Mentees is to fully capitalize on the opportunity and ability to connect, communicate, and collaborate with more women and leaders in our community. Mentoring is described as a developmental relationship process between a mentor, who is an individual with experience, skills, and knowledge, and a mentee, who is less experienced or skilled in handling professional and life situations.
Our Mentoring Philsophy
We value diversity of age, ethnicity, gender, religion, ability, experience, class, size and more- and to find ways to drive this through every element.
We have created spaces where women of many generations can interact and support one another.
We support participatory of exchange knowledge, experiences, and skill to foster unique opportunities for innovation, learning, and accountability.
We nurture the goal of learning from the past and reflecting on the present to create a more just and equitable future.
We also value vulnerability. We have real conversations about where we are and what we need to succeed- and are comfortable with change.
We want to create a new reality where women all ages can make progress from a real advice from real women!
We capitalize on the opportunity and the ability to connect, communicate and collaborate with more women in our community.
We are your Mentors, friends, peer-support and local network that join the movement of local women supporting women.

Interested in becoming a mentor? Email Lisa Halsey, Program Coordinator at lisah@womenoftoledo.org.