SBRD Event Agenda
4:00 PM Networking/Registration: Meet small business service providers and vendors who will be available throughout the event
4:15 PM Business Boost: Using Library Resources to Gain the Competitive Edge! Businesses need an edge over their competition, and the owner who works smarter is often the one who gets ahead. The Library has electronic databases than an owner can use to build targeted lists of prospective customers and that can help businesses learn how their competitive peers are performing.
4:50 PM Navigating City & County Code Enforcement Departments/Services. Are you thinking of starting a business in the city of Toledo or Lucas County? Do you already have a business and want to learn more about resources that are available? This session is for you! Experts from the Toledo Lucas County Health Department, City of Toledo Division of Code Enforcement, and Lucas County Building Regulations will share their insights and knowledge.
**Session I: M.o.M Speed Mentoring start at 5:30pm.
6:40 PM Introductions from Small Business Resource partners & open networking
7:00 PM Women of Toledo's Mentors on the Move Session II. Speed mentoring designed to allow you to discover and meet your local business mentors - get one-on-one mentoring on the spot!