COVID-19: Important Announcement from Women of Toledo
Our Leadership team has been following the news about the coronavirus very closely, so we could make an informed decision for the safety of women and youth that we serve.
Thursday, March 12, Governor DeWine and the Ohio Department of Health Director signed a second Executive Order with two major announcements: mass gatherings of 100 people or more in the state have been banned until further notice, and all K-12 schools will be closed from Monday, March 16 through Friday, April 3.
Since most of our program activities are either hosted at a public venue and/or require social interaction, collectively, the leadership team has decided to follow the recent Executive Order.
Hence, effective immediately through April 30th, we have decided to either cancel and/or postpone the majority of our face to face program activities to a later date.
This includes ALL:
Women’s Connection Program – Monthly Talking Circle activities
- Young Women Chat & Chew
- Momentum Circle
- Women’s Circle
- M.o.M Speed Mentoring
- InterConnections
Educational Initiatives
- WEE: Women’s Empowerment Summit (postponed to a later date)
- Advocacy: Equal Pay UnHappy Hour
However, we will continue offering a virtual meeting for our regular coaching, one-on-one mentoring and technical assistance of our program services. More details to follow.
We will continue to regularly update our website and online calendars with more relevant information as we move forward. We appreciate your patience and are grateful for your continuous support to the organization.
Please do not hesitate to contact us via email at or our social media platform for any further inquiry.